Knot Afraid to Be Myself - How Relationship Anarchy Enables Me to Love Freely
How Relationship Anarchy Enables Me to Love Freely
What does that mean? It means I don't conform to society's standard rules and expectations when it comes to relationships. I prioritize autonomy, honesty, and consent over traditional hierarchical norms and labels. I don't categorize my partners based on romantic, sexual, or platonic distinctions; instead, I see each person as an individual with their own unique needs and desires. Rather than imposing predetermined relationship models, I believe in allowing relationships to develop naturally and respectfully.
Relationship anarchy is often misunderstood and stigmatized, but it's not a new concept. Some people mistakenly believe that it's synonymous with cheating or avoiding commitment and responsibility. Others view it as selfish, immature, or unrealistic. There are also those who believe that meaningful and lasting connections can only exist within the boundaries of traditional monogamy or polyamory.
Contrary to popular beliefs, relationship anarchy is not synonymous with being unfaithful, irresponsible, or selfish. It does not involve avoiding commitment but rather allows individuals to design their own commitments within their relationships. It is not about immaturity but rather emphasizes authenticity and respect. Additionally, it is not unrealistic but promotes openness and flexibility. Lastly, relationship anarchy does not mean having less love; instead, it encourages embracing love in various forms and expressions.
Relationship anarchy may not resonate with everyone, and that's perfectly okay. It's a personal choice that works for me and brings me fulfillment.