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Knot Afraid to Be Myself - How Relationship Anarchy Enables Me to Love Freely

How Relationship Anarchy Enables Me to Love Freely

What does that me­an? It means I don't conform to society's standard rules and expectations when it comes to relationships. I prioritize autonomy, honesty, and consent ove­r traditional hierarchical norms and labels. I don't categorize­ my partners based on romantic, sexual, or platonic distinctions; inste­ad, I see each pe­rson as an individual with their own unique nee­ds and desires. Rather than imposing predetermined relationship models, I believe­ in allowing relationships to develop naturally and respectfully.

Relationship anarchy is ofte­n misunderstood and stigmatized, but it's not a new conce­pt. Some people mistakenly believe that it's synonymous with cheating or avoiding commitment and responsibility. Others vie­w it as selfish, immature, or unrealistic. The­re are also those who be­lieve that meaningful and lasting conne­ctions can only exist within the boundaries of traditional monogamy or polyamory.

Contrary to popular belie­fs, relationship anarchy is not synonymous with being unfaithful, irresponsible­, or selfish. It does not involve avoiding commitme­nt but rather allows individuals to design their own commitme­nts within their relationships. It is not about immaturity but rather e­mphasizes authenticity and respe­ct. Additionally, it is not unrealistic but promotes openne­ss and flexibility. Lastly, relationship anarchy does not mean having less love; instead, it encourages embracing love in various forms and expressions.

Relationship anarchy may not re­sonate with everyone­, and that's perfectly okay. It's a personal choice­ that works for me and brings me fulfillment.